4D Approach
A proven way to stop fraud checks
Get a complete set of tools to stop all types of fraud with ease.
A proven way to stop fraud checks
Risky vs. reliable transactions with a trusted database.
The risk level when you enter the company and customer the first time by accessing the company's check cashing profile, account status, phone number, and address.
Fraud checks when registering a customer using fingerprint and imagining technology.
Exposure to risky transactions to prevent repeat fraud.
QuickCheck’s account number verification service allows you to verify a check’s bank account status for most national bank checks.
QuickCheck’s Treasury Check Verification connects directly with the US Government’s database to verify different aspects of a Treasury Check.
Organized fraud groups present the same fake checks at multiple stores all the time. Our EmagineNET Network helps you stop them by sharing positive and negative data of companies and customers in real-time.
Repeat fraud checks are one of the biggest sources of losses for check cashers. QuickCheck eliminates repeat with ease.
Home printed checks are getting more and more realistic. QuickCheck verification service helps stop them with the industry’s best check scanner and metrics.